
Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in the muscle.
— Brené Brown in Rising Strong
  • Psychiatry: Talkiatry -

    Psychiatry: Mindful Urgent Care -

    Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-621-4673 -

    NYC WELL: 1-888-692-9355 -

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 -

    National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (852-6262)

    Postpartum Support Internal (PSI) 800-944-4773

    Disclaimer:I am not affiliated with any person or entity listed under the Helpful Links or Helpful Reads. I do not receive any financial gain for including them on this website. This information is only provided to help the visitors to this website.

  • The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris: Helpful with understanding confidence and goal setting, while providing specific tools for managing emotions

    10% Happier by Dan Harris: Helpful for providing a framework for meditation from a successful news anchor

    The Gifts of Imperfection & Others by Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW: Helpful with topics surrounding authenticity, vulnerability, perfectionism, & more

    Codependent No More by Melody Beattie: Helpful for defining and understanding codependency while also listing practical tools for addressing indicators of codependency

    Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD: Helpful for understanding & managing relationships with emotionally immature/unavailable people, as well as assisting with how to identify and create healthy relationships

    The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolik, M.D.: Helpful for understanding & healing from trauma

    Attached: Are you Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? How the science of adult attachment can help you find – and keep – love by Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, M.A.: Helpful for understanding secure & anxious attachment styles

    Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself by Melody Beattie: Helpful for defining & destigmatizing codependency, while providing useful tools to improve our relationships with ourselves & others

    Relationship OCD: A CBT-Based Guide to Move Beyond Obsessive Doubt, Anxiety, and Fear of Commitment in Romantic Relationships by Sehva Rajaee, MFT: Helpful for understanding & changing our relationship with relationship anxiety

    Check back regularly as I read more and add more recommendations!

    Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any person or entity listed under the Helpful Links or Helpful Reads. I do not receive any financial gain for including them on this website. This information is only provided to help the visitors to this website.

  • Below are free activities & practices that can help with cope with stress and anxiety:

    The 3 P’s Defined

    The 3 P’s of Coping

    Managing New Mom Stress

    PPD vs. Baby Blues